HL Deb 28 March 1876 vol 228 c689

My Lords, before the business of the day commences, I wish to say a few words with regard to myself. Having arrived in London late last night, and knowing nothing of what was going on in this town, at breakfast this morning my attention was called to a statement in a newspaper which at one time assumed to lead John Bull by the nose. The Times, with extraordinary sagacity, "understood" that I was to do certain things in this House, and that, among other things, I was to second the Motion of which my noble Friend opposite (the Earl of Shaftesbury) gave Notice last evening on the subject of the Royal Titles Bill. I assure your Lordships—my noble Friend knows perfectly well that he has had no communication with me on the subject—that I have had no communication with any individual upon it. What has led to this "understanding" I do not know; but I wish to give this statement concerning myself the most distinct, plain, and emphatic denial which is permitted in Parliamentary language.

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