§ Public Bills—First Reading—Bow Street Police Court Site* (228); Expiring Laws Continuance* (229); Sheriff Courts (Scotland)* (222); Consolidated Fund (Appropriation).*
§ Second Reading—Companies Acts (1862 and 1867) Amendment (218); Legal Practitioners* (220); Suez Canal (Shares)* (221); War Department and Post Office (Remuneration, &c.)* (219).
§ Committee—Report—Municipal Privileges (Ireland)* (211); Police (Expenses) Act Continuance* (212); Tramways (Ireland) Acts Amendment (Dublin)* (213).
§ Report—Elementary Education* (226); Pollution of Rivers* (227).
§ Royal Assent—Nullum Tempus (Ireland) [39 &40 Vict. c. 37]; Turnpike Acts Continuance [39 &40 Vict. c. 39]; Orphan and Deserted Children (Ireland) [39 &40 Vict. c. 38]; Medical Practitioners [39 &40 Vict. c. 40]; Industrial and Provident Societies [39 &40 Vict. c. 45]; Medical Act (Qualifications) [39 &40 Vict. c. 41]; Slave Trade [39 &