HL Deb 06 April 1876 vol 228 c1301

asked the noble and learned Lord on the Woolsack, Whether it was his intention to propose any alteration in the Royal Titles Bill with the view of meeting the points suggested by his noble and learned Friend (Lord Selborne) on Monday night?


In consequence of the suggestion which my noble and learned Friend was good enough to make the other night, Her Majesty's Government have given the most careful consideration to the point. We have considered whether any Amendment is, according to our judgment, necessary in the Royal Titles Bill; and, after considering that question with the greatest care, the Government are quite of opinion that there is no difficulty whatever in giving effect to the intention of the Government to except from the operation of the Bill all commissions, writs, and similar documents operating in this country. It is not, therefore, our intention to propose any Amendment.