HL Deb 28 May 1875 vol 224 cc992-3

PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading—Metalliferous Mines* (106); Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No. 3) * (107); Endowed Schools Act (1868) Continuance* (109); Bishopric of Saint Albans (108); Sale of Food and Drugs* (112); Public Stores* (110); Railway Companies* (111); Matrimonial Causes and Marriage Law (Ireland) * (117); Justices (Dublin) * (118); Military Manœuvres* (115); Post Office* (116); Glebe Loan (Ireland) * (114).

Second Reading—General School of Law (90); Inns of Court * (89); Falsification of Accounts (93).

CommitteeReport—Seal Fishery (Greenland) * (80).

Royal Assent—Regimental Exchanges [38 Vict. c. 16]; Sea Fisheries [38 Vict. c. 15]; Peace Preservation (Ireland) [38 Vict. c. 14].

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