§ Sat First in Parliament—The Earl of Romney, after the death of his Father.
§ PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading—Falsification of Accounts * (93).
§ Second Reading—Regimental Exchanges (44); Bankruptcy (Scotland) Law Amendment * (62).
§ Committee—Explosive Substances * (75–95).
§ Committee—Report—Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation * (64); Bishops Resignation Act (1869) Perpetuation * (74); Bank Holidays Act (1871) Extension and Amendment * (76); International Copyright * (73).
§ Report—Saint Paul's Cathedral (Minor Canonries) * (60); Pacific Islanders Protection * (88).
§ Third Reading—Supreme Court of Judicature Act (1873) Amendment (No. 2) * (66); Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation * (53); Public Health (Scotland) Provisional Order Confirmation * (54); Public Entertainments (Hour of Opening) now Public Entertainments * (77); Consolidated Fund (£15,000,000).