§ PUBLIC BILLS—Committee—Report—Legal Practitioners* (238); Consolidated Fund (Appropriation)*; Local Authorities Loans* (276); Sheriff Substitute (Scotland)* (281); Remission of Penalties* (275).
§ Third Reading—National School Teachers (Ire-laud)* (258); Unseaworthy Ships (265); Public Works Loans (266); Sanitary Law (Dublin) Amendment (259); National School Teachers Residences (Ireland)* (274), and passed.
§ Royal Assent—County Surveyors Superannuation (Ireland) [38 & 39 Vict. c. 56]; Public Works Loans (Money) [38 & 39 Vict. c. 58]; Pharmacy [38 & 39 Vict. c. 57]; Friendly Societies [38 & 39 Vict. c. 60]; Public Health [38 & 39 Vict. c. 55]; Public Records (Ireland) Act, 1867, Amendment [38 & 39 Vict. c. 59]; Statute Law Revision [38 & 39 Vict. c. 66]; Entail Amendment (Scotland) [38 & 39 Vict. c. 61]; Summary Prosecutions Appeals (Scotland) [38 & 39 Vict. c. 62]; Sale of Food and Drugs [38 & 39 Vict. c. 63]; Government Officers (Security) [38 & 39 Vict. c. 64]; Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) 38 & [39 Vict. c. 65]; Department of Science and Art [38 & 39 Vict. c. 68]; Militia Laws 848 Consolidation and Amendment [38 & 39 Vict. c. 69]; Chimney Sweepers [38 & 39 Vict. c. 70]; Ecclesiastical Commissioners Act Amendment [38 & 39 Vict. c. 71]; Expiring Laws Continuance [38 & 39 Viet. c. 72]; East India Home Government (Appointments) [38 & 39 Vict. c. 73]; Public Health (Scotland) Act, 1867, Amendment [38 & 39 Vict. c. 74]; Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1869, Amendment [38 & 39 Viet. c. 75]; Ecclesiastical Fees Redistribution [38 & 39 Vict. c. 76]; Lunatic Asylums (Ireland) [38 & 39 Vict. c. 67]; Supreme Court of Judicature Act (1873) Amendment (No. 2) [38 & 39 Vict. c. 77]; Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (Leyton, &c.) [38 & 39 Vict. c. cxciii]; Traffic Regulation (Dublin) [38 & 39 Vict. c. cxcv]; Turnpike Acts Continuance [38 & 39 Vict. c. cxciv].