HL Deb 23 April 1875 vol 223 c1494

called the attention of the House to a portion of the Protest against the Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1873, which complained that at least one of their Lordships had been unfairly reported. He complained that a quotation made by him on the second reading of the Act for amending that Act on 6th June, 1874, from a speech of the noble and learned Lord now on the Woolsack (a copy of which quotation he had directed to be given to one of the reporters in the Gallery) had been placed in The Times as a portion of his speech, which deprived the opinion of the noble and learned Lord (Lord Cairns), then a Lord Justice of Appeal, of the weight which the first impression, as to any substitution for the House of Lords, would have made on the minds of their Lordships. The speech in The Times of June 6th, 1874, was never made as his own by him (Lord Denman). He was glad that these remarks were made in that House, when few Peers were present; but it was impossible for him to overlook the unfairness with which the debates on this subject were reported. He was indifferent as to being reported at all, but must call attention to the incorrectness which he had pointed out.