HL Deb 14 July 1874 vol 220 cc1611-2

Amendments reported (according to Order).

Clause 9, (Saving as to Section 9 of the principal Act), struck out.


moved after Clause 29, to insert the following Clause:— Where any licence is forfeited for a single offence there may be made by or on behalf of the owner of the premises an application to a Court of summary jurisdiction for authority to carry on the same business on the same premises until the next special sessions for licensing purposes, and a further application to such next special sessions for the grant of a licence in respect of such premises, and for this purpose the provisions contained in the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Act, 1828, with respect to the grant of a temporary authority and to the grant of licences at special sessions, shall apply as if the person convicted had been rendered incapable of keeping an inn, and the person applying for such grant was his assignee. After short conversation—

Clause agreed to, and added to the Bill.

Clause 32 (Definitions).

On Motion of the Earl BEAUCHAMP, the following Proviso was added:— Provided, that as soon as may be after the publication of each census the county licensing committee shall, at a meeting to be specially convened for the purpose, revise the orders then in force within their jurisdiction, constituting areas either parts of towns or populous places, and shall make such alterations therein, or such further orders, if any, as they shall deem necessary to give effect to the provisions of the Act.

Sub-section 3.

(Definition of "Populous place.")


said, that as it now stood in the Bill the definition was— 'populous place' means any area which, by reason of the number and density of its population, not being loss than one thousand, the county licensing committee may, by order, determine to be a populous place. Density could not be 1,000, or any other number, except there was a reference to area.


said, the definition was as it had come up from the Commons.

After some conversation—


proposed to amend the definition as follows:— 'Populous place' means any area with a population of not less than one thousand, which by reason of the density of such population, the county licensing committee may by order determine to be a populous place.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause as amended, agreed to.

Bill to be read 3a on Friday next, and to be printed as amended. (No. 176).