§ PUBLIC BILLs—First Reading—Gas and Water Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 2)* (125); Consolidated Fund (£12,000,000).*
§ Second Reading—Land Titles and Transfer* (85); Real Property Limitation* (86); Metropolitan Commons Supplemental* (110); 331 Railways Provisional Certificate* (111); Crown Lands* (117); Local Government Board (Ireland) Provisional Order Confirmation* (115).
§ Second Reading—Committee negatived—Third Reading—Peace Preservation (Ireland) (123), and passed.
§ Committee—Report—Sites for Places of Religious Worship* (61–128); East India Loan* (109).
§ Report—Oyster and Mussel Fisheries Order Confirmation* (95); Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation* (96).
§ Third Reading—Australian Colonies (Customs Duties)* (91); Superannuation Act Amendment* (113); Registration of Births and Deaths* (100); Marriages Legalization, St. John's Chapel, Eton* (99), and passed.