§ (The Earl of Shaftesbury.)
§ (NO. 29.) COMMITTEE.
§ Order for Committee read.
§ Moved, That the House be put into a Committee on the said Bill.—(The Earl of Shaftesbury.)
§ THE MARQUESS OF SALISBURYsaid, that as physical force had its limits, he had been unable to carry in from the Library all the statutes in which these laws were contained; but he had brought in a number of them, and when he looked at those which were now before him and at the Bill, he could not but say the Bill was drawn up in that careless manner which characterized so many Acts of Parliament, and which had drawn upon the Legislature such sharp reprimands from the Judges of the Superior Courts. The Bill was another example of these defects. It purported to amend the Bastardy Laws Amendment Act, 1872, and the way this was done was merely by referring to anterior Acts. Five of the seven sections were references to sections of preceding Acts; but surely the workmanlike way of dealing with the subject would have been to repeal the Act of last year and the preceding Acts, and to bring in a comprehensive Act artistically drawn. He did not at all dispute the object proposed by the promoters of the Bill; but it was very desirable that the law, whatever it was, should be made clear and easily comprehensible. The noble Marquess, having pointed out many points in the law which required amendment, suggested that the Committee should be postponed in order that the Amendments might be previously prepared.
§ LORD REDESDALEsaid, that it would be inconvenient to make the proposed Amendments in Committee, and also suggested that the Committee should be postponed.
THE LORD CHANCELLORsaid, that in his minute criticisms of this measure, which had already passed through the other House of Parliament, his noble Friend (the Marquess of Salisbury) showed what a useful censor of proposed legislation he might be, and of what advantage it would be to have all Bills read through by some one like his noble Friend before they were sent up for the Royal Assent. He thought it would be well to defer the Committee in order that the suggested Amendments might be considered.
§ THE EARL OF SHAFTESBURYsaid, he had no objection to postpone the Committee.
§ Motion withdrawn; Committee put off to Tuesday next.