HL Deb 13 June 1873 vol 216 c906

Bill read 3a according to Order.


moved, after clause 4, to add— And. it shall be further lawful for the said judge, upon the evidence of the high sheriff, of any justice of the peace, any stipendiary magistrate, county inspector, or sub-inspector of constabulary, to remove from the general jurors book or special book the name or names of any juror or jurors who may have been convicted of any ribbon offence, or arraigned for such offence and not acquitted, or who to the best of the knowledge or belief of the justices or sub-inspector of constabulary within whose district the said juror or jurors reside, is or has been a member of any ribbon or unlawful society; provided the said judge shall be satisfied as to the evidence in the case.


pointed out that the provisions already in the Bill were only temporary. They would expire in January, 1875, but the Amendment would make the Bill a permanent one.

On Question, disagreed to.

Bill passed.