HL Deb 17 July 1873 vol 217 c492

(The Lord President)

Order of the Day for the House to be put into Committee, read.


said, that his noble Friend (Earl Beauchamp), who had a Notice on the Paper to draw attention to the evidence taken before the Select Committee to which the Bill had been referred, and to move an Amendment was prevented by illness from being present that evening. The Amendment was an important one, to the effect that the compulsory powers which the Bill proposed to give the London School Board should not be allowed to be exercised till next year, so that the ratepayers might in the meantime, when the elections to the school board came on, have an opportunity of expressing an opinion respecting it. His noble Friend had requested him to state that he would move his Amendment on the next stage of the Bill.


said, it was of great importance that the Bill should pass, and that its next stage should be at the earliest possible period.


regretted both the cause of the absence of the noble Earl (Earl Beauchamp) and the necessity of postponing the discussion to which the Amendment would probably give rise, more particularly as he knew many noble Lords had come down to the House specially that evening in expectation that this particular matter would be under consideration. He agreed that it was really of great importance that the next stage of the Bill should be taken as early as possible, and would therefore suggest that the Report be fixed for Tuesday.

House in Committee accordingly. Amendments made; the Report thereof received on Tuesday next.

House adjourned at half past Five o'clock, till To-morrow, Eleven o'clock.