HL Deb 23 July 1872 vol 212 cc1589-90

Sat First in Parliament—The Earl Waldegrave, after the death of his grandfather.

PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading—Elementary Education (Elections) (No. 2)* (240); Basses Lights (Ceylon)* (241); Judges Salaries* (242); Adulteration of Food, Drugs, &c.* (243); Bastardy Laws Amendment* (244).

Second Reading—Metalliferous Mines Regulation (229); Mines (Coal) Regulation (224); Elementary Education (Elections)* (231), negatived; Masters and Workmen (Arbitration) (234); Grand Juries, Middlesex* (235); Grand Juries (Ireland)* (225); Victoria Park* (227).

Report of Select Committee—Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No. 3)* (202–239).

CommitteeReport—Statute Law Revision (No. 2)* (217); Metropolitan Tramways Provisional Orders Suspension* (220).

Report—Petroleum* (193); Tramways Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 3)* (145).

Third Reading—Summary Jurisdiction* (200); Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Act (1871) Amendment* (233), and passed.