HL Deb 29 February 1872 vol 209 c1145

Clauses 33, 34, and 35, agreed to.

Clause 36 postponed.

Clauses 37, 38, and 39, agreed to, with Amendments.


objected to proceeding further with the clauses of this Bill at present. Their Lordships were proceeding in total misapprehension of the facts of the case. The noble Earl (the Earl of Shaftesbury), acting, no doubt, in good faith, had led them to believe that this Bill, in its various provisions, had been adopted by the Select Committee. But that was by no means the case. Clause 40 was not in the Bill as it left the Select Committee.


said, he could not really say whether this particular clause, in all its parts, passed the Select Committee or not. But he firmly and truly believed all the main clauses—all the clauses of any importance or value, and involving any principle whatever, were now in the Bill as it had come down from the Select Committee. He declared most solemnly he never intended, directly or indirectly, to mislead the House.


said, it was due to the House and to himself to state that he never meant to insinuate for a moment that the noble Earl had intentionally misled their Lordships; but by some mistake the Bill, in its present form, was not the Bill which had been sent down from the Select Committee.


said, it had been urged that the Bill should be passed because it had been approved by the Select Committee. With all respect for the Committee, composed as it was of many able men, the main duty of the House now was to consider the Bill as it had been brought before their Lordships, and he hoped attention would be concentrated on the clauses as they stood.

Clauses 40 to 47 agreed to, with Amendments.