HL Deb 04 April 1870 vol 200 c1147

said, he desired to remind their Lordships that this Bill, which now stood for third reading, was the one to which he objected on a former occasion, and to which, indeed, as a private Bill, he still entertained objection. He then promised, if necessary, to bring it before a Committee of the Whole House; but the promoters had since been before him, and had entirely agreed to the form which it seemed to him most desirable that the Bill, if their Lordships wished it to proceed, should assume. The jurisdiction of Parliament over any scheme which might be devised had thus been secured, and he had not thought it necessary, therefore, that the Bill should come before a Committee of the Whole House.


having compared the amended with the original Bill, thanked the noble Lord for the great attention he had devoted to it, and for the considerable improvements which had been made in it.

Bill read 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.