§ Resolved, That every Railway Bill promoted by an incorporated company and originating in this House shall, after having been read a first time, be referred to the Examiners of Standing Orders for Private Bills, who shall inquire and report as to the compliance with the provisions of the Act 31st and 32d Vict., cap. 119, sect. 35:
§ The Examiner shall give at least two clear days' notice of the day appointed for such examination, and Standing Orders 193, sect, 4, and 190, sect. 2, and the order of the 15th March 1859, shall be applicable to any memorial complaining of non-compliance with such provisions:
§ In the case of such Bills the time between the first and second reading shall be extended to the fourteenth day after the first reading thereof:
124§ The statement required by the 5th provision of the said 35th section to be laid before Parliament in case of a poll being taken shall be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments.
§ House adjourned at a quarter past Five o'clock, to Monday next, a quarter before Five o'clock.