§ A Bill to facilitate the incorporation of Religions, Educational, Literary, Scientific, and other Charitable Societies or Bodies, and the enrolment of certain Charitable Trust Deeds—Was presented by The Lord ROMILLT; read 1a. (No. 81.)
1848§ CHILDREN, &C. PROTECTION BILL [H.L.], (NO. 84.) A Bill for the better protection of Children, Servants, and Apprentices: And also
§ VACCINATION AMENDMENT BILL [H.L.], (NO. 85.) A Bill to further amend the practice of Vaccination:
§ Were severally presented by The Marquess TOWNSHEND; read 1a.
§ METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT ACTS AMENDMENT BILL [H.L.], (NO. 86.) A Bill to amend the Metropolis Local Management Acts: And also,
§ METROPOLITAN REGULATIONS BILL [H.L.], (NO. 87.) A Bill to provide Regulations for the government of the Metropolis in certain matters:
§ Were severally presented by The Marquess TOWNSHEND; read 1a.
§ EDUCATION OF CHILDREN BILL [H.L.], (NO. 88.) A Bill to make further provision for the Education of Children: And also,
§ INFANT LIFE PRESERVATION BILL [H.L.], (NO. 89.) A Bill to provide for the better preservation of Infant Life: Were severally presented by The Marquess TOWNSHEND; read la.
§ House adjourned at Eight o'clock, till To-morrow, half past Ten o'clock.