HL Deb 13 April 1869 vol 195 cc671-2

Order of the Day for the House to be put into a Committee on the said Bill read.


said, that this Bill repealed the 35th section of the "Regulation of Railways Act, 1868" (which relates to meetings of incorporated railway companies—commonly called Wharncliffe Meetings—and the approval of such meetings of bills and certificates for conferring additional powers on those companies) so far as relates to any Bill introduced into either House of Parliament after 1st February 1869. Now, he desired to point out that the bare repeal of this section might be attended with inconvenience. Several such meetings had been held, and in some cases had refused to approve Bills promoted by Boards of Directors; but this Bill would allow such Bills to proceed notwithstanding such dissent, although the shareholders, relying on the clause, had lost the opportunity of petitioning against them. He suggested that something should be done in framing the Standing Orders that would protect the rights of shareholders in this respect.


said, he would confer with the noble Lord the Chairman of Committees on the subject.


said, that he should have to propose a Sessional Order on the subject, of which notice would be given, which would secure to the shareholders their power of appearing before a Wharncliffe meeting when a Bill passed from that to the other House.

House in Committee accordingly; Bill reported without Amendment; and to be read 3a on Thursday next.