HL Deb 19 May 1868 vol 192 cc510-1

, in moving the re-appointment of the Committee of last Session, said, that he proposed to make only one alteration in the constitution of the Committee—to substitute the name of the Marquess of Salisbury for that of the noble and learned Lord on the Woolsack, whose engagements rendered it impossible for him to give the necessary attention to the subject. He believed that it would only be necessary to hold a few more sittings, and that the Committee might shortly be in a position to make their Report.

Moved, That the Select Committee appointed on 28th June 1867, to consider whether any and what Arrangements can be made to remedy the present detective Construction of the House in reference to Hearing, be re-appointed.—(The Earl of Carnarvon.)

Motion agreed to.

The Lords following were named of the Committee; the Committee to appoint their own Chairman:—

M. Salisbury E. Kimberley
E. Carnarvon V. Eversley
E. Romney L. Redesdale
E. De Grey L. Somerhill.

Ordered, That the Evidence taken before the said Committee of last Session be laid upon the Table of the House, in order that the same may be referred to the Select Committee on the Construction of the House of the present Session: The said Evidence was accordingly laid on the Table, and referred to the said Committee.