The LORD CHANCELLOR acquainted the House, That he had received a Letter from Lieut.-General Lord Napier of Magdala, G.C.B., G.C.S.I., in return to the Thanks of this House and to the Resolutions of the 2d Instant, communicated to him in obedience to an Order of this House of the said 2d Instant: The said Letter being read as follows:—
49, Cleveland Square, Hyde Park, July 18.
My Lord,—I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, dated July 6th, communicating to me the resolution of the House of Lords, conveying the thanks of the House to myself and to Commodore Heath, C.B., Major-General Sir C. Staveley, K.C.B., Major-General George Malcolm, C.B., Major-General E. L. Russell, and Brigadier-General W. Merewether, C.B., and also the other officers of the navy and army. I have received the thanks of the House of Lords with a profound sense of the honour conferred upon me and also upon the other offi-
cers, the petty officers, and the non-commissioned officers and men of the navy and army engaged in the Abyssinian Expedition.
I have taken the requisite steps to transmit the resolution to the officers named, and to communicate it to the several officers of the army and navy referred to.
I regret extremely that this communication should have been accidentally delayed.
I have the honour to be, my Lord, your most obedient servant,
§ "To the Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor."
§ Was Ordered to lie on the Table, and to be entered on the Journals.