HL Deb 10 July 1868 vol 193 c971

SELECT COMMITTEE—Report—Construction of the House.

PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading—Portpatrick and Belfast and County Down Railway Companies* (238); Indorsing of Warrants* (240); Lunatic Asylums (Ireland) Accounts Audit* (237); Land Drainage Provisional Order Confirmation* (241); Tain Provisional Order Confirmation* (242); Hudson's Bay Company* (214); Colonial Governors' Pensions Act Amendment* (239).

Second Reading—University Elections (Voting Tapers) (201); Libel (Ireland)* (209); Turnpike Trusts Arrangements * (200); Railways (Ireland) Acts Amendment* (177).

CommitteeRenewable Leasehold Conversion (Ireland) Act Extension* (184); Consular Marriages* (198).

Report—Curragh of Kildare * (195); Renewable Leasehold Conversion (Ireland) Act Extension* (184); Consular Marriages* (198); Artizans' and labourers' Dwellings (228).

Third ReadingPetroleum Act Amendment * (178); Prisons (Scotland) Administration Acts (Lanarkshire) Amendment* (202); New Zealand (legislative Council)* (197); Admiralty Suits* (182), and passed.

WithdrawnContagious Diseases Act (1866) Amendment* (229); Lodgers' Property Protection (186); Children, &c. Protection* (187).