§ SELECT COMMITTEE—On Poor Relief, The Earl of Stradbroke added.
§ PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading—Capital Punishment within Prisons* (83); United Parishes (Scotland)*(84); Marriages (Frampton Mansel)*(85); Broughty Ferry Provisional Order Confirmation* (86).
§ Second Reading—Petty Sessions and Lock-up Houses* (71); Perth and Brechin Provisional Orders Confirmation* (64).
§ Referred to Select Committee—Compulsory Church Rates Abolition (55).
§ Committee—Oyster and Mussel Fisheries* (58); Local Government Supplemental (1868)*(70).
§ Report—Oyster and Mussel Fisheries* (58); Local Government Supplemental (1868)* (70).
§ Third Reading—Partition* (67); Prisons (Compensation to Officers)* (72), and passed.