§ Order of the Day for the Third Reading read.
EARL GREYcalled attention to the circumstances under which his clauses relating to Suffragan Bishops had been struck out of the Bill. Those clauses had been generally approved of by their Lordships on both sides of the House, and no notice had been given of any objection to them. At the last moment, however, on the proposal of a noble Earl (the Earl of Ellenborough), those clauses were, after a division in which the proposition was carried by the narrow majority of 23 to 20, removed from the Bill. He could not accept that decision as the deliberate judgment of their Lordships. He therefore intended to move upon the third reading that those clauses should be reinstated in the Bill, and should therefore ask the noble Lord who had charge of the measure (Lord Lyttelton) to postpone his Motion for the third reading until after the Whitsuntide holydays, in order that their Lordships should have ample notice of his intention, and opportunity for the consideration of the important question involved. He could not help thinking that a great deal of the objection which was felt to the measure had arisen from the enlargement of the provisions relating to Suffragans. He should prefer to see the class of persons from whom they might be selected reduced to its original dimensions, and the clause enabling territorial titles to be given them, struck out.
§ LORD REDESDALEthought it was a most inconvenient course to raise a discussion on the third reading of a Bill on a number of clauses which were not before them in a tangible shape.
EARL GREYsaid, having given notice of his intention, he would have his clauses printed, and laid on the table.
§ LORD LYTTELTONdeclined to express any opinion upon the point of form. He was, however, quite willing to postpone the Motion for the third reading if such a course met with the approval of their Lordships. He should much prefer that the Bill should be read the third time; but he was willing to postpone it in deference to the wish of the noble Earl who had taken so much interest in the subject; but he confessed he did so with uneasiness.
§ THE EARL OF DERBYsaid, it might be convenient to their Lordships, in reference to future arrangements, to inform them that he would propose to adjourn for the Whitsuntide holydays from Friday to the Monday week following.
§ THE EARL OF ELLENBOROUGHsuggested that it would be a more convenient course to pass the third reading of the Bill at once, and for the noble Earl to introduce his clauses in a separate Bill. It appeared to him that this measure would have a much better chance of passing through the other House without the proposed clauses of the noble Earl.
EARL GREYsaid, he could not assent to the third reading of the Bill without the clauses in question, or to their forming the subject of a separate measure.
§ Third reading put off to Friday the 21st instant.