HL Deb 22 July 1867 vol 188 c1774

Sat First in Parliament — The Lord Kingston after the Death of his Brother.

SELECT COMMITTEE—Report—On Railway Companies; on Railway Companies (Scotland).

PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading—Naval Knights of Windsor* (252).

Second Reading—Representation of the People (227), debate adjourned; Naval Stores (No. 2)* (234).

Committee—Sir John Port's Charity* (206).

Report—Railway Companies* (159 & 249); Railway Companies (Scotland)* (179 & 250); Trades Union Commission Act (1867) Extension* (243).

Third Reading—Consecration of Churches and Churchyards* (222); Christ Church (Oxford) Ordinances* (190); Prorogation of Parliament* (228); Turnpike Trusts Arrangements* (229), and passed.