HL Deb 16 July 1867 vol 188 c1619

Order of the Day for the House to be put into a Committee read.


said, that this Bill repealed in the Malvern Local Improvement Act of 1858 certain clauses inserted for his protection, without any notice given to himself. Now, he thought that persons whose rights were so affected should have full notice of the manner in which it was proposed to deal with their property. He should probably be told that there was a saving clause at the end of the Provisional Order, but he doubted whether that would be effectual; and he should move the postponement of the Bill for a fortnight, in order that an opportunity might be afforded to owners of the property affected to consider what stops they ought to take.


said, that this measure passed through the House of Commons as an unopposed Bill; but of course if the noble Earl thought that his rights were injuriously affected, he had a right to present a Petition and be heard by counsel against the Bill.


suggested that as the Bill in that case must go before a Select Committee, the best course would be to discharge the Order and leave no day fixed for the consideration of the Bill.

Order discharged.