§ THE EARL OF SHAFTESBURYI wish to ask Her Majesty's Government, Whether they have received any further intelligence relative to the Fenian outbreak and the state of Ireland? For my part, I must say that I think that nothing shows more clearly the uncivilized and anti-social nature of this movement than the fact, which we have reported upon very good authority, that the shore wires of the Atlantic telegraph have been cut.
§ THE EARL OF DERBYThe noble Earl has not given me any notice of his Question; but, in point of fact, we have not received any information of the Atlantic Cable having been cut, and I have no reason to believe that it has been done. As to the other part of the noble Earl's Question, the only other information we have received is that the body of insurgents, as they call themselves, variously stated at from 400 to 800 in number, began to retire the moment they heard that regular troops were in motion against them, that they have taken refuge in a wood, where preparations are being made for surrounding them, and that great hopes are entertained of the whole body being dispersed or captured.