HL Deb 15 February 1867 vol 185 c370

said, he had received a communication from Mr. France which removed a great deal of the objectionable matter of which he had to complain when last he troubled their Lordships upon this subject. It appeared that he and Mr. France had been speaking of different Bills, and accordingly he desired now openly and publicly to withdraw the charge relating to one of these measures which he had made against that gentleman, As regarded the other it came before him as an unopposed Bill and of course he dealt with it as such. The clause which he introduced was the commonest of all clauses, and the restriction which it imposed was simply upon taking any other lands of the railway company than were required for the purpose of making the junction. The wording of that clause had not been stated with perfect accuracy in the pamphlet; but Mr. France would take the proper steps to remove any false impression which might have been created.