THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURYsaid, it might be some satisfaction to their Lordships to know that the Ritual Commission had now settled their first Report. Those of their Lordships who had read the Royal Commission would know that they had been enjoined by Her Majesty to report from time to time, and especially to take into their first consideration the subject of vestments. The Report on that subject had been agreed to. It would be immediately sent to absent Members of 1631 the Commission, to be signed by them, and then placed before Her Majesty. In what way it would be published afterwards he was not at liberty to say, as that rested entirely with the Government. But he thought he might say it was the wish of the Commissioners that it should be made public as soon as might be. He might add that not only the Report, but all the evidence on which it was founded was also ready to be produced. He thought it due to their Lordships to make this announcement.