§ PUBLIC BILLS—First Readinq—Libel* (313); Militia Reserve* (314); Public Works (Ireland)* (315); Railways (Ireland)* (316).
§ Second Reading—Church Rates Abolition (256), negatived; Admiralty Court (Ireland)* (273); Guarantee of Government Officers* (297); Public Health (Scotland)* (306); Sewage* (285).
§ Committee—Banns of Matrimony (216 & 311); Justices of the Peace Disqualification Removal* 1080 (265 & 312); Militia Pay*; Indemnity* (274); Bank Post Bills (Ireland)* (275); Customs Revenue* (284); Inland Revenue* (287); Dominica Loan* (288).
§ Report—Barrack Lane, Windsor (Rights of Way)* (295); District Lunatic Asylums Officers (Ireland)* (272); Militia Pay*; Indemnity* (274); Bank Post Bills (Ireland)* (275); Customs Revenue* (284); Inland Revenue* (237); Dominica Loan* (288).
§ Third Reading—Courts of Law Officers (Ireland)* (294); Weights and Measures (Dublin)* (266); Dublin Metropolitan Police* (267).