§ SELECT COMMITTEE—Report—On Construction of the House; on Parliamentary Deposits [Second Report].
§ PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading—Public Health (Scotland)* (306); Turnpike Acts Continuance, &c.* (307).
§ Second Reading—Metropolis Subways* (279); Militia Pay*; Indemnity* (274); Bank Post Bills (Ireland)* (275); Customs Revenue* (284); Inland Revenue* (287); Dominica Loan* (288).
§ Committee—Poor Law Board, &c* (303); Barrack Lane, Windsor (Rights of Way)* (295); Weights and Measures (Dublin)* (266); Dublin Metropolitan Police* (267); District Lunatic Asylums Officers (Ireland)* (272).
§ Report—Courts of Law Officers (Ireland)* (294); Weights and Measures (Dublin)* (266); Dublin Metropolitan Police* (267).
§ Third Reading—Representation of the People (293); Galashiels Jurisdiction* (260); Royal Military Canal* (269), and passed; Railways (Guards' and Passengers' Communication) (278), negatived; Customs Duties (Isle of Man)* (270); Agricultural Gangs* (283), and passed.
§ Withdrawn—Railways (Guards' and Passengers' Communication)* (278).