HL Deb 15 May 1866 vol 183 c928

asked, Whether Her Majesty's Government had received any accounts confirming the statements contained in the morning newspapers that the Cattle Plague had broken out in Ireland?


My Lords, in answer to the Question of the noble Marquess, I may state that the only information which the Government has received to-day consists of a telegram to the following effect:— Professor Ferguson had reported that cattle plague had broken out in the townland of Drennan, county Down, within a few miles of Belfast, that the infected cattle had been killed and buried, and an 'infected district,' under the Irish Act, marked out and watched by the constabulary, no egress or ingress of cattle being permitted. Sir John Larcom telegraphed that certain fairs in the immediate neighbourhood of the 'infected district' ought to be stopped. Assent was telegraphed, and doubtless the Lords Justices of Privy Council will stop the two fairs in question.