HL Deb 16 March 1866 vol 182 c418

Select Committee on, appointed: The Lords following were named of the Committee; the Committee to meet on Tuesday next, at half past Two o'clock:

Ld. Chancellor Ld. Chamberlain
Ld President V. Eversley
D Richmond L. Steward
M. Lansdowne L. Colville of Culross
M Salisbury L. Foley
M. Bath L. Redesdale
E. Devon L. Colchester
E. Carnarvon L. Wynford
E. Malmesbury L. Stanley of Alderley
E. Chichester L. Chelmsford

The Fee Fund Account (laid upon the Table on the 23rd of February last), referred to the Committee.

House adjourned at a quarter before Eleven o'clock, till Monday next, Eleven o'clock.