HL Deb 29 June 1866 vol 184 c706

My Lords, I have to communicate to your Lordships that since the last meeting of the House Her Majesty has been pleased to send for the Earl of Derby, and has requested him to undertake the formation of a Ministry. In accordance with the suggestion which the noble Earl has made to me, that it would not be convenient to propose a shorter postponement of the public business, I have to suggest to your Lordships that no public business be transacted before Thursday next.


I certainly do not rise to oppose the Motion of my noble Friend. On the contrary, I quite concur in it. In the ignorance—there is universal ignorance—in which all the country is involved of the grounds on which the late Ministers have felt it necessary to resign, the people know nothing more than this—that it arose from some point of honour, raised by the conduct of their own supporters in the House of Commons. In this universal ignorance I am equally involved, and I share in the general—but not universal—regret which is felt that such a step should have been taken. Concurring in the general regret, and sharing the universal ignorance, I approve the Motion of my noble Friend.

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