HL Deb 15 June 1866 vol 184 c464

(The Lord Privy Seal.)


Amendment reported (according to Order.)


moved to insert a clause empowering the directors of any chartered lunatic asylum in Scotland to grant retiring allowances out of the funds at their disposal to any of their officers who had served for fifteen years, and who were more than fifty years of age. It was well known that the medical officers and attendants in lunatic asylums were specially subject to injurious influences. The perpetual presence of insanity was depressing in the extreme. In the interest of the lunatics as well as of their attendants, it was of importance that the faithful and laborious services of the latter should be compensated by the reduction of the term of service requisite to entitle them to a retiring allowance from twenty to fifteen years, as had already been done in England.

Motion agreed to.

Amendment made; and Bill to be read 3a on Monday next.