HL Deb 12 June 1866 vol 184 c210

said, their Lordships and the public would recollect that in 1861 his noble Friend the late Lord Campbell had introduced to Parliament a Bill which afterwards became law, revising the Statutes from the year 1770 to the year 1858; and that his noble Friend and predecessor (Lord Westbury) afterwards introduced a Bill which revised the Statutes from the time of Magna Charta to the Revolution. That also became law; and he (the Lord Chancellor) now desired to lay upon the table a Bill for continuing Lord Westbury's revision of the Statutes from the time of the Revolution to the time when Lord Campbell's revision commenced. The measure had been prepared last year, but its introduction had been delayed from various circumstances over which he had no control. He trusted their Lordships would give it a first reading.

Bill for promoting the Revision of the Statute Law, by repealing certain Enactments which have ceased to be in force, or which have become unnecessary, presented; read 1a, and to be printed. (No. 154.)