HL Deb 13 July 1866 vol 184 c811

then movedThat an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty for, Return setting forth, 1. A List of the Bishoprics of the United Church of England and Ireland in Her Majesty's Foreign and Colonial Possessions, with the Dates of the Appointment of the Holders of such Bishoprics; distinguishing those whose Authority has been recognized by Acts of the Imperial Parliament or the Colonial Legislature: 2. A Statement of the Revenues of such Bishoprics, and the Sources from which such Revenues are derived: 3. The number of Clergymen subject to each Bishop: 4. The Manner in which such Clergymen are appointed, and the Sources from which their Emoluments are drawn: 5. The Number of Churches and Chapels subject to each Bishop; with a Statement of the Parties in whom the Property of such Churches is vested: 6. Extracts from any Colonial Charters relating to the Churches and Clergy of the United Church of England and Ireland in the Colonies, their Appointment and Stipends, and their Powers of meeting in Synod: 7. A Statement of the Designations assigned by Law to such Colonial Bishops and Clergy in the Colonies.


said, if the Motion was withdrawn for the present, he would take care that it should be brought in in a shape which would enable the Colonial Office to give the Returns.

Then the said Motion (by Leave of the House) withdrawn.