HL Deb 15 February 1866 vol 181 cc505-6

in moving for papers, according to notice, said, he thought that the discussion which would take place in their Lordships' House upon the reading of the Bill upon the cattle plague would be much facilitated by the production of the Returns for which he asked. The noble Duke then moved an Address for— Copies of all Orders made by Courts of Quarter Sessions relative to the Cattle Plague since the Order in Council of 16th December, 1865; and for a Copy of a Letter from the Secretary of State to the Chairmen of Quarter Sessions relative to the said Order.


said, he thought it would be desirable to have the orders issued by the mayors and magistrates in the various boroughs produced at the same time. This was the more necessary inasmuch as the orders agreed to by the magistrates in quarter sessions had appeared in the county newspapers; but he did not believe that the same publicity had been given to the notices issued by the borough mayors and magistrates.


was understood to say that the orders would be extremely voluminous, and he hoped that an analysis would satisfy the noble Duke.


thought the production of the orders in quarter sessions in extenso was desirable; though the analysis of the orders in boroughs would, he believed, be quite sufficient.


said, that if any difficulty prevented the Returns being made in extenso, it was at all events very desirable that their Lordships should have the analysis.

Motion amended, and agreed to.

Address for— Copies of all Orders made by Courts of Quarter Sessions and by the local Authorities in Cities and Municipal Boroughs in England and Wales relative to the Cattle Plague since the Order in Council of 16th December, 1865, and an Analysis of the said Orders; and a Copy of a Letter from the Secretary of State to the Chairmen of Quarter Sessions relative to the said Order in Council: And the like Return and Analysis for Scotland as respects Orders made in Quarter or General Sessions, or by the local Authorities of Burghs or Towns having a Town Council."—(The Duke of Marlborough.)

House adjourned at a quarter before Six o'clock, till To-morrow, half past Ten o'clock.