§ PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading—Police Superannuation * (95); Tories, Robbers, and Rapparees * (96).
§ Second Reading—Marriages (Lambourne) (83); Union Officers (Ireland) Superannuation (52).
§ Committee—Record of Title (Ireland)* (97); Sheep and Cattle * (58).
§ Report—Record of Title (Ireland)* (97); County Courts Equitable Jurisdiction* (94) [H.L.]
§ Royal Assent—Felony and Misdemeanor Evidence and Practice [28 Vict. c. 18]; East India (Governor General's Powers, &c.) [28 Vict c. 17]; Bankruptcy and Insolvency (Ireland) Act Amendment [28 Vict. c. 21]; Metropolitan Main Drainage Extension [28 Vict. c. 19]: Inclosure [28 Vict c. 20]; Herring Fisheries (Scotland) [28 Vict. c. 22]; Land Drainage Supplemental [28 Vict. c. 23]; Local Government Supplemental [28 Vict. c. 21]; Local Government Supplemental (No. 2) [28 Vict. c.25].