HL Deb 19 June 1865 vol 180 c429

Took the Oath — The Viscount Gort, a Representative Peer for Ireland.

PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading —Statute Law Revision * (172) [H.L.]; Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Acts Amendment* (1V5); Navy and Marines (Property of Deceased) * (176); Naval and Marine Pay and Pensions * (177); Penalties Law Amendment * (178).

Second ReadingPrisons (Scotland) Act Amendment* (106); Trespass (Scotland)* (146); Ecclesiastical Leasing Act (185S) Amendment* (125); Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation* (157); Lunatic Asylum Act (1853) &c, Amendment* (160); Pilotage Order Confirmation (No. 2) * (151); Smoke Nuisances (Scotland) Acts Amendment * (136); Procurators (Scotland) * (153); Churches and Chapels Exemption (Scotland)* (128); Colonial Laws Validity * (158); Colonial Marriages Validity* (159); Defence Act (1860) Amendment* (152).

Select CommitteeReport — Mortgage Debentures * (173); Land Debentures* (112); Land Debentures (Ireland)* (113).

Report —Mortgage Debentures * (174); Union Chargeability*(171).

Third Reading — Dockyard Extensions * (143); Drainage and Improvement of Lands Acts (Ireland) Amendment * (117); Drainage and Improvement of Lands (Ireland) Provisional Order Confirmation (No. 2) * (147) and passed.

Withdrawn —Railway Passengers (149).

Royal Assent — Commissioners of Supply Meetings (Scotland) [28 Vict. c. 38]; District Church Tithes [28 Vict. c. 42]; Inclosure (No. 2) [28 Vict. c. 39]; Lancaster Court of Chancery [28 Vict. c. 401; Married Women's Property (Ireland) [28 Vict. c. 43]; Pilotage Order Confirmation [28 Vict. c. 59]; Common Law Courts (Fees) [28 Vict. c. 45]; Local Government Supplemental (No. 3) [28 Vict. c. 41]; Dogs Regulation (Ireland) [28 Vict. c. 50]; Courts of Justice Concentration (Site) [28 Vict. c. 49]; Courts of Justice Building [28 Vict. c. 48]; Militia Ballots Suspension [28 Vict. c. 46]; Militia Pay [28 Vict. c. 47].