HL Deb 27 February 1865 vol 177 c743

Resolved, That no Petitioners against any Private Bill in either of the Classes mentioned in Standing Order No. 178, and originating in this House, shall be heard before the Committee on the Bill unless their Petition shall have been presented to this House by having been deposited in the Private Bill Office on or before the Seventh clear Day after the Second Reading of such Bill; and with respect to Bills brought from the House of Commons, and Bills originating in this House, and referred to the Judges, or approved by the Court of Chancery, no Petitioners shall be heard before the Committee on any such Bill unless their Petition be deposited in the Private Bill Office on or before the Fifth Day on which the House shall sit after the Day on which such Bill shall have been read a First Time, except where the Petitioners shall complain of any Matter which may have arisen after the Expiration of the Time allowed for depositing such Petitions; and every such Petition shall be deposited in the Private Bill Office before Three o'clock in the Afternoon:

This Order shall not apply to any Petition against any Bill which has been already read a Second Time if such Petition shall be presented to the House by a Lord on the last Day allowed as aforesaid.—(The Chairman of Committees.)

House adjourned at a quarter past Six o'clock, till To-morrow, half past Ten o'clock.