HL Deb 07 February 1865 vol 177 cc1-6

-namely, The LORD CHANCELLOR, The FIRST LORD of the ADMIRALTY (The Duke of Somerset), The LORD STEWARD of the HOUSEHOLD (The Earl of St. Germans), The LORD CHAMBERLAIN of the HOUSEHOLD (The Viscount Sydney), and The LORD STANLEY of ALDERLEY (Postmaster General)—being in their Robes, and seated on a form placed between the Throne and the Woolsack, commanded the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod to signify to the Commons "The Lords Commissioners desire their immediate attendance in this House."

Who being at the Bar, with their Speaker;


in pursuance of Her Majesty's Commands, delivered the Speech of THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS to both Houses of Parliament, as follows:—

My Lords, and Gentlemen,"

"WE are commanded to assure you that Her Majesty has great Satisfaction in recurring again to the Advice and Assistance of Her Parliament.

"THE Negotiations in which The Emperor of Austria and The King of Prussia were engaged with The King of Denmark were brought to a Conclusion by a Treaty of Peace; and the Communications which Her Majesty receives from Foreign Powers lead Her to entertain a well-founded Hope that no renewed Disturbance of the Peace of Europe is to be apprehended.

"THE Civil War in North America still unhappily continues. Her Majesty remains steadfastly neutral between the contending Parties, and would rejoice at a friendly Reconciliation between them.

"A JAPANESE Daimio in Rebellion against his Sovereign infringed the Rights accorded by Treaty to Great Britain and to certain other Powers; and the Japanese Government having failed to compel him to desist from his lawless Proceedings, the Diplomatic Agents and the Naval Commanders of Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, and the United States of North America, undertook a combined Operation for the Purpose of asserting the Rights which their respective Governments have obtained by Treaty. That Operation has been attended with complete Success; and the Result has afforded Security for Foreign Commerce and additional Strength to the Government of Japan, with which the Relations of Her Majesty are friendly.

"PAPERS on this subject will be laid before you.

"HER Majesty regrets that the Conflict with some of the Native Tribes in New Zealand has not yet been brought to a Close, but the successful Efforts of Her Majesty's Regular Forces, supported by those raised in the Colony, have led to the Submission of some of the Insurgents; and those who are still in Arms have been informed of the equitable Conditions on which their Submission would be accepted.

"HER Majesty has had great Satisfaction in giving Her Sanction to the Meeting of a Conference of Delegates from Her several North American Provinces, who, on Invitation from Her Majesty's Governor General, assembled at Quebec. Those Delegates adopted Resolutions having for their Object a closer Union of those Provinces under a Central Government. If those Resolutions shall be approved by the Provincial Legislatures, a Bill will be laid before you for carrying this important Measure into effect.

"HER Majesty rejoices at the general Tranquillity of Her Indian Dominion; but Her Majesty regrets that long-continued Outrages on the Persons and Property of Subjects of Her Majesty, and for which no Redress could be had, have rendered it necessary to employ a Force to obtain Satisfaction for the past and Security for the future.

"HER Majesty deeply laments the Calamity which has recently occasioned great Loss of Life and Property at Calcutta and at other Places in India. Prompt Assistance was rendered by the Officers of the Government, and generous Contributions have been made in various Parts of India to relieve the Sufferings which have thus been occasioned.

Gentlemen of the House of Commons,

"HER Majesty has directed the Estimates for the ensuing Year to be laid before you.

"THEY have been prepared with every Attention to Economy, and with due Regard to the Efficiency of the Public Service.

My Lords, and Gentlemen,

"HER Majesty commands us to inform you, that the general Condition of the Country is satisfactory, and that the Revenue realises its estimated Amount. The Distress which prevailed in some of the Manufacturing Districts has greatly abated; and the Act passed for the Encouragement of Public Works in those Districts has been attended with useful Results.

"IRELAND during the past Year has had its Share in the Advantage of a good Harvest, and Trade and Manu factures are gradually extending in that Part of the Kingdom.

"VARIOUS Measures of Public Usefulness will be submitted for your Consideration.

"BILLS will be laid before you for the Concentration of all the Courts of Law and Equity, with their attendant Offices, on a convenient Site; a Measure which Her Majesty trusts will promote Economy and Despatch in the Administration of Justice.

"THE important Work for the Revision of the Statute Law, already carried to a considerable Extent by recent Acts of Parliament, will be completed by a Bill that will be laid before you. Her Majesty hopes that this Work may be a Step towards the Formation of a Digest of the Law.

"BILLS will also be submitted for your Consideration for the Amendment of the Laws relating to Patents for Inventions, and for conferring on the County Courts an equitable Jurisdiction in Causes of small Amount.

"YOUR Assistance will also be invited to give Effect to certain Recommendations made to the House of Commons, after Inquiry directed by that House, into the Operation of the Laws regulating the Relief to the Poor.

"A BILL will be laid before you founded on the Report of the Commission for inquiring into Public Schools; and Her Majesty has directed that a Commission shall be issued to inquire into Endowed and other Schools in England, which have not been included in the recent Inquiries relating to popular Education.

"HER Majesty commits with Confidence the great Interests of the Country to your Wisdom and Care; and She fervently prays that the Blessing of Almighty God may attend your Councils, and may guide your Deliberations to the Attainment of the Object of Her constant Solicitude, the Welfare and Happiness of Her People."

Then the Commons withdrew.

House adjourned during pleasure.

House resumed.

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