§ PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading— Naval Prize* (No. 87).
§ Second Reading — Fish Teinds (Scotland)* (No. 62).
§ Committee—Regius Professorship of Greek (Oxford) (No. 44), negatived; Under Secretaries Indemnity* (No. 77).
§ Report—Under Secretaries Indemnity* (No. 77); Common Law Procedure (Ireland) Act (1853) Amendment* (No. 51).
§ Third Reading—Registration of County Voters (Ireland)* (No. 50).
§ Royal Assent—Customs and Inland Revenue [27 & 28 Vict. c. 18];
§ Charitable Assurances Enrolments [27 & 28 Vict. c. 13];
§ Land Drainage (Provisional Orders) [27 & 28 Vict. c. 14];
§ High Court at Bombay [27 & 28 Vict. c. 16]*;
§ Vestry Cess Abolition (Ireland) [27 & 28 Vict.c. 17];