HL Deb 14 March 1864 vol 173 cc1899-900

asked the noble Lord the President of the Council, What is the Amount of the Funds at present rested in Her Majesty under the Pro- visions of the 11 & 12 Vict. c. 115, and formerly the Property of the "Irish Reproductive Loan Fund Institution," and not disposed of; and how the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury proposed to dispose of that Money for the benefit of the Poor?


said, that a balance of about £23,000 remained available. The Act provided for the mode of its administration, but he was not aware that any precise decision had been made with regard to its disposal. An application had been put forward to the Government to aid the present flax movement in Ireland by sending Inspectors to instruct the agriculturists; but the Government obviously could not take upon themselves the responsibility of selecting proper persons and setting them their work. Another plan was under consideration, whereby it might be possible to give some assistance for that purpose to local authorities properly constituted. He could not yet say whether that plan would be adopted or not; or, of course, from what fund, in the event of its being given, the assistance might come.