I have received your Address, praying that the late Decision of the Privy Council ordering the Removal of the West Riding Assizes from York to Leeds instead of to Wakefield may be reconsidered.
I have to inform you, that in pursuance of the Provisions of an Act passed in the Third and Fourth Years of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled 'An Act for the Appointment of convenient Places for the Holding of Assizes in England and Wales,' an Order was made by Me, with the Advice of My Privy Council, on the 10th Instant, ordering and directing that Assizes for the West Riding of Yorkshire shall be held at Leeds, and the 6th Day of August next has been since fixed by My Judges of Assize for the Midland Circuit for holding the next Assizes for the West Riding in. that Town.
I have directed that a Copy of this Order shall be laid before you. If it should hereafter appear, that with a view to the more cheap, speedy, and effectual Administration of Justice, it may be expedient to appoint some other Place for holding an Assize in the West Riding, the Subject shall again be referred for the Consideration and Advice of My Privy Council.