HL Deb 19 July 1864 vol 176 c1700

presented a Petition from inhabitants of Sydney, New South Wales, in public meeting assembled, praying for measures to suppress the Slave Trade amongst the Islands of the Pacific. The petitioners expressed great indignation at finding a slave trade established in that part of the world by vessels frequenting the neighbouring islands, and inveigling on board or carrying off by main force several hundreds of the poor natives. One vessel had got 700 of the natives on board, and the master complained that he was not allowed to complete his cargo to the full amount by decoying on board or seizing 400 more. So that 1,100 human beings were to be put on board a vessel not capable of holding half the number. The Petitioners prayed that some remedy might be devised for that state of things.

Petition to lie on the table.