§ SELECT COMMITTEE—On Judgments, &c, Law Amendment Bill nominated* (List of Committee.) (No. 194).
§ PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading—Harwich Harbour Act Amendment* (No. 210); Turnpike Trusts Arrangements* (No.211); Ionian States Acts of Parliament Repeal* (No. 212).
§ Second Reading—Mutual Surrender of Criminals (Prussia)* (No. 204); Thames Embankment and Metropolis Improvement (Loans)* (No. 206); Isle of Man Harbours Act Amendment* (No. 209).
§ Committee—Burials Registration* (No. 144).
§ Third Reading—Street Music (Metropolis)* (No. 196); Inland Revenue (Stamp Duties)* (No. 198); Railways (Ireland) Acts Amendment* (No. 178); Drainage and Improvement of Lands (Ireland)* (No. 189); Administration of Trusts (Scotland)* (No. 199).