HL Deb 11 April 1864 vol 174 cc721-2

, in moving the second reading of this Bill, said, its object was to extend to a further period of two years the time of enrolment for charitable assurances, as provided under the 24 Vict. C. 9 and 25 Vict. c. 17. Within the last two years 1,146 more deeds had been enrolled than before, and there was a continual progress of enrolment going on. He also proposed that where the original deeds had been lost, as was often the case, and therefore where it was impossible to enrol them, the Clerk of Enrolments shall be required to enrol any deed appointing trustees of property the subject of such charitable trusts, or any deed reciting the original deed of conveyance, provided the deed required to be enrolled shall not bear date less than thirty years prior to such intended enrolment, and the enrolment shall be as effectual as if the original deed of conveyance had been duly enrolled.


suggested that it would be necessary to ascertain beyond doubt that the original deeds had been lost, and sufficient time should be allowed to elapse before the right proposed by the Bill could be exercised.


thought that the time in which deeds might be enrolled should not be extended beyond one year. Under the first Bill one year was given, then two, and now it was proposed to give two years more. If they went on in that way they would never come to an end.

Motion agreed to: Bill read 2a, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House To-morrow.