HL Deb 08 May 1863 vol 170 c1394

, in moving that the House go into Committee on this Bill, said he proposed certain alterations in its provisions, which, while they diminish its effect in one direction, would increase it in another. He was happy to be able to announce that the Crown assented to an important provision of the Bill, by which the Lord Chancellor was empowered to dispose of one hundred livings beyond those included in the schedule. That was a very large extension of the measure in a most useful and beneficent direction. If they had the good fortune to sell upon reasonable terms the livings proposed to be dealt with under the measure, he believed that they would ultimately receive a sum of about £700,000 to be applied for the augmentation of the poorer livings within the Church.

House in Committee; Amendments made: The Report thereof to be received on Monday next, and Bill to be printed, as amended. (No. 99.)

House adjourned at a quarter past Seven o'clock, till Monday next, a quarter before Four o'clock.