HL Deb 27 March 1863 vol 170 cc3-4

THE EARL OF LEITRIM moved, That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty for a Return showing the "Number of Rewards offered by Officers of Police in each County in Ireland during the year 1860;" and of details connected with that subject.


, in reply, said, that the noble Earl had frequently been appealed to by Peers on both sides of the House not to make Motions without previously giving sufficient notice. The noble Earl gave notice only last night of his intention to move for two sets of Returns—one set of eight, and the other of thirteen Returns. It was impossible to communicate in that short time with the Irish Government. The noble Earl opposite (the Earl of Ellenborough) once pointed out the absolute duty of Her Majesty's Government examining such notices, in order to avoid unnecessary expenditure of money and time. It was, for that reason, impossible to accede to the present Motion. The noble Earl might renew it after the recess; or, if it was inconvenient for him to attend the House for that purpose, it would (if the Returns were really worth having) be easy for him to procure the assistance of a noble Friend to move for them.


said, he would postpone his Motion till after the recess.