§ SELECT COMMITTEE—Borrowing Powers of Railway Companies, appointed (List of the Committee).
§ PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading—Mutiny (East India) Act Repeal* (No. 153); Local Government Supplemental (No. 2)* (No. 154).
§ Second Reading—Innkeepers' Liability * (No. 142); Officers of Royal Naval Reserve(No. 131); Inland Revenue* (No. 128); Militia Pay*.
§ Select Committee—Report—Telegraphs Bill * [Report No. 155, Bill 156].
§ Committee—Security from Violence * (No. 103 and 157).
§ Report—Thames Embankment (North Side)* (No. 151).
§ Third Reading—London Coal and Wine Duties Continuance * (No. 104), and passed.